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What does the New Moon in Aquarius mean for you?


a girls reading a book whilst sitting on the clouds in the presence of the magical moon
Magic of the Moon

There is a new moon in Aquarius coming up on the 29th January.


What is the prevalence of this new moon?


Aquarius is the rebel, the game changer. It’s the trend setter, consciously or unconsciously. It gives to the collective, cares about the community and stands for humanitarianism. Aquarius is an ingenious, out the box and an alternative thinker! It calls for original thought, eccentricity and to shine from authenticity. Nothing about Aquarius is conventional, it wants to break the mould.


This is the perfect time to reflect on your life and ask yourself: "Am I living authentically?".

Are your goals coming from your inner truth or at the expectations of others or fear?

Are you willing to dance to the beat of your own drum, and what would that dance look like if no-one were watching?


It’s the calling to more, to originality, to truthsayer’s, to the greater good and the unique.


How can you harness the power of this moon?


This is the time to wish upon a star. Innovative thinking and big picture visions! Get excited, be bold, be big! The dreaming of a better world and taking a proactive approach to stand up for something greater than yourself. It is a time to courageously set out on uncharted waters and merge with the tide of your true self.


Be brutally honest with yourself and what is not working for you anymore. What area of your life do you want to rejuvenate and evolve? Are you aligned with your soul and where is your soul calling you towards?

How will this new affect me and my life?


How this new moon will affect you will be individual, but a good general starting point is to look to your rising sign:


Aries Rising


The house of wishes and Aquarius’s home! This is a great time Aries to write out your dreams and desire in a journaling ritual and watch them come to fruition in time. Networks could expand, connections could deepen, friends and social will be alive as you become a little networking force. Anything that requires an expansion and deepening of contacts, social focus, community aspects or technology subjects will be highlighted and grow during this time Aries. Make sure you plant those seeds and use the power of words and writing to communicate to the universe exactly what you want, because wishes really do come true.


Taurus Rising


Your career zone is taking a big spotlight during this phase Taurus. You can experience recognition, or transformation within your career or positions. This isn’t necessarily your day job, it is something that is longer lasting, that you care deeply about. It could also be a transformation of your reputation. Maybe you are gaining more recognition, or your reputation is spreading. Perhaps more people are hearing about you or looking towards you for leadership. Either way, however this shows up, it’s a great time to stabilise those long-term goals you have for yourself and take practical and steady steps to your long-term dreams, because right now, you can work towards making them a reality.


Gemini Rising


Foreign travel may be on the cards in the next 6 months for you Gemini rising! This is a very outward energy, an adventurous energy and an energy that craves and desires more. This is beautiful for you as you love the nitty gritty, bitesize information that you can process quickly and move onto the next. This is about a great learning. Maybe you enter school, higher education or take on philosophies and studies of a higher vibration. Perhaps your views change, and how you perceive the world enhances. Whether it is physical travel or mental and internal journeys, it will be an evolution for you and calling you to grow and expand beyond your current understanding and experience. It’s an exciting time and one to say yes to!


Cancer Rising


Cancer, this can be a transformative new moon for you. You may have themes play out around rebirth, especially with the moon being a new “beginning”, you may see yourself transform over the next moon cycle to the full moon in a couple of weeks, over the next 6 months, or until the 9th August when the full moon is in Aquarius. Inheritance, the occult, magik, shared finances or resources may take shape or change. Perhaps a transformation or higher level of experience and evolution from sexual encounters. This is a beautiful house of releasing what no longer serves you, so by the time you have moved through this cycle, you will be ready for something glowing! Where you’re your focus goes, energy flows, so trust in the changes that are occurring and maintain picture of where you want to go with positive thinking. This can be a beautiful transformation, but as with any changes, even the most positive, it could push us out of our comfort zone.


Leo Rising


This new moon can affect your relationships, Leo. Whether that business partnerships, allegiances, one on one contracts or romantic. There will be an initiation or development in this area of your life. Perhaps something develops to a. deeper commitment, or a change for the better. New connections could be prevalent at this time, notice who enters and connects with you. It could be a time of new contracts, maybe with a more community focused subject.


Virgo Rising


Your work and/ or daily routine can shift and transform during this time. You may have changes to your health or a new remedy/ supportive energy to encourage and enhance your wellbeing. This is your natural environment Virgo, so all that happens here should feel quite easeful or sit nicely with you. Observe habits, routines, eating and wellness, health, colleagues, and pets. This is a great time to start a new fitness routine or to develop new positive changes in your day-to-day life. One habit at a time!


Libra Rising


This will affect all things creative Libra! You may give yourself permission to let go and spill your art onto the canvas and see what comes out. After all, you are all about beauty, so allow this creative time to be that of your ruling energy, Venus and the empress. Move from an artist vibration, visualise your masterpiece and trust in its creation. This could be anything from actual art, to performing arts, to children or the stage. Whatever it is that you want to create in your life, want to be known for and produce, now is the time, the energy is supporting your inner- Empress to show herself and manifest creative abundance.


Scorpio Rising


Scorpio Risings will experience new beginning in their home life. It could be related to a maternal figure, foundations, family unit, your youth, or origins. This is all about your roots and nurturing energies in your life, homelife or foundations. There may be new developments or transformations around these figures or themes, perhaps even a moving or finding your dream home. If you hold desires around your home life, now is the time to manifest them or watch them grow.


Sagittarius Rising


Sagi’s will have themes play out around siblings, communication, writing, neighbours, immediate neighbourhood. There may be communication about your community or something that effects and transforms how you see things. Technology could play a part, now is a good time to look at how you are utilising these themes, and what may come through via technology, especially with Aquarius being the King of Techno. This could be a strong focus for you. Although related to early learning years, it may be that you learn of something that is related to your siblings, community, younger year community or technology. The themes could even be interwoven. Now is a great time to get your message across and think about what you want to communicate within your community, close relationships and those around you. Could just be a little gossip session if nothing else.


Capricorn Rising


This should be supportive energy for you Capricorn, as the moon effects areas of your sister, Taurus, home. The real physical foundations are going to come to light here. Anything real estate, land, sensuality, food, grounded pleasure, and practical finances will show up. It’s a time to manifest that money, and really align yourself to the physical you want to materialise. Maybe you choose to borrow money at this time, make a new purchase that you’ve been wanting or just generally go about consciously choosing to manifest a better physical environment or something you have been longing to achieve. It is also a good time to evaluate self-worth and what your actual values are in life. Whatever you may be seeking in these areas in your life could be found online, or through your connections. Any way it shows up, it will be a fortuitus time.


Aquarius Rising


Aquarius, this is happening for you in the house of self. How do you feel in your own body? How do you present yourself to the world? How does your lifepath look? There may a new desired you that you want to create, and possibly align more to who you truly are or know deep down your soul desires to be. It’s a very powerful placement with exciting self-renovation and potentially even life renovation. So, get super clear on what you want for yourself and visualise it being a reality. Step into consciousness and claim your true identity! You’ll be able to make these changes effortlessly at this time, and it may take transformation of the next half of the year. It could be a process, but the magic is within you!


Pisces Rising


The most hidden areas of all- the subconscious and ethereal world! This is your native language Pisces, so you will be swimming right at home. Although an elusive area of life, massive epiphanies and transformations can come from this area being activated. It is the subconscious ruler; therefore, you may change the way you think, reprogram your mind to manifest your dreams, have realisations about what’s holding you back or how to move forward. You may be more in touch with the dream world and high powers than you already are Pisces. This is a beautiful transformation and highlighting on a deeper level. Although these aren’t always seen, you can bet that as within, so without. It is all working for you.

If you want to step into the power of this new moon, join our online moon circle on Wednesday 29th January 7pm GMT. Tickets sold under services.


Practitioner, therapist, hypnotherapist, energy worker
Sara-Amy, Hypnotherapist and Energy Worker



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